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Normal People
Edité par Faber & Faber. [S.l.] - 2019
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER SHORTLISTED FOR THE COSTA BOOK AWARDS 2018 (Novel) LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2018 Connell and Marianne grow up in the same small town in rural Ireland. The similarities end there; they are from very different worlds. When they both earn places at Trinity College in Dublin, a connection that has grown between them lasts long into the following years. This is an exquisite love story about how a person can change another person's life - a simple yet profound realisation that unfolds beautifully over the course of the novel. It tells us how difficult it is to talk about how we feel and it tells us - blazingly - about cycles of domination, legitimacy and privilege. Alternating menace with overwhelming tenderness, Sally Rooney's secondnovel breathes fiction with new life
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Un livre que l'on a envie de garder contre soi
Une très belle histoire d'amour et d'amitié entre deux êtres pas si différents que ça l'un de l'autre. Les ellipses et les va et viens entre le temps de la narration et le passé créent un récit haletant dont on est à la fois impatient de découvrir la fin et anxieux de finir. Un livre que l'on a envie de garder contre soi.
Emilie H - Le 23 mars 2022 à 18:40