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Coben, Harlan (1962-....). Auteur

Edité par Harrap's-Larousse. Paris - 2014

Megan is a suburban soccer mom who once upon a time walked on the wild side. Now she's got two kids, a perfect husband, a picket fence, and a growing sense of dissatisfaction. Ray used to be a talented documentary photographer, but at age forty he finds himself in a dead - end job posing as a paparazzo pandering to celebrity-obsessed rich kids. Jack is a detective who can't let go of a cold case -a local husband and father disappeared seventeen years ago, and Jack spends the anniversary every year visiting a house frozen in time, the missing man's family still waiting, his slippers left by the recliner as if he might show up any moment to step into them. Three people living lives they never wanted, hiding secrets that even those closest to them would never suspect, will find that the past doesn't recede. Even as the terrible consequences of long-ago events crash together in the present and threaten to ruin lives, they will come to the startling realization that they may not want to forget the past at all. And as each confronts the dark side of the American Dream - the boredom of a nice suburban life, the excitement of temptation, the desperation and hunger that can lurk behind even the prettiest facades - they will discover the hard truth that the line between one kind of life and another can be as whisper-thin as a heartbeat.../ Aujourd'hui parfaite mère au foyer de banlieue, Megan cache un sombre passé de strip-teaseuse. Il y a 17 ans, elle n'a eu d'autre choix que de fuir, de peur d'être accusée du meurtre de l'homme qui la harcelait. Aujourd'hui sa jeunesse la rattrape. Son petit ami de l'époque, qu'elle a toujours cru coupable, vient d'être agressé. L'affaire est relancée...

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